Terms of Service

1. Contractual partner

On the basis of these general terms and conditions (GTC) comes between the customer and

BMUT UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
An der Kolonnade 11
10117 Berlin

Landline: +49 (0) 30 22009390

hereinafter referred to as the provider, the contract is concluded.

2. Subject matter of the contract

This contract regulates the sale of new goods from the area / areas of oral hygiene via the provider's online shop. For the details of the respective offer, reference is made to the product description on the offer page.

3. Conclusion of the contract

The contract is only concluded in electronic business transactions via the shop system. The offers presented represent a non-binding invitation to submit an offer through the customer order, which the provider can then accept.

The order process for the conclusion of the contract comprises the following steps in the shop system:

  • Selection of the offer in the desired specification (size, color, number)
  • Placing the offer in the shopping cart
  • Click on the 'order' button
  • Enter the billing and delivery address
  • Selection of the payment method
  • Review and processing of the order and all entries
  • Click on the 'Buy now' button
  • Confirmation email that the order has been received

The contract is concluded when the order confirmation is sent.

4. Duration of the contract

Subject to termination, the contract has a term of 1 deliveries. The total price for the services in the contract period is € 0.

5. Reservations

The provider reserves the right not to provide the promised service in the event that the service is not available.

6. Prices, shipping costs, return costs

All prices are final prices and include the statutory sales tax. The following flat-rate shipping costs apply to each order: Germany: € 0-4.99 EU: € 13.99. In the case of partial deliveries, the flat rate only applies once. There are no additional costs for shipping. If there is a right of withdrawal and if this is used, the customer bears the costs of the return.

7. Payment Terms

The customer has only the following options for payment: transfer, invoice on delivery, payment service provider (PayPal). Further payment methods are not offered and will be rejected.
After receipt of the invoice, which contains all information for the transfer and is sent with the delivery, the invoice amount must be transferred in advance to the account specified there. When using an escrow service / payment service provider, this enables the provider and customer to process payments among each other. The trustee service / payment service provider forwards the customer's payment to the provider. Further information is available on the website of the respective trustee service / payment service provider. The customer is obliged to pay or transfer the amount shown to the account specified on the invoice within 14 days of receipt of the invoice. Payment is due from the invoice date without deduction. After expiry of the payment deadline, which is thus determined by the calendar, the customer is in default even without a reminder. The customer's right of retention, which is not based on the same contractual relationship, is excluded. Offsetting against customer claims is excluded unless these are undisputed or have been legally established.

8. Terms of delivery

Die Ware wird umgehend nach Eingang der Bestellung versandt. Der Versand erfolgt durchschnittlich spätestens nach 2 Tagen. Der Unternehmer verpflichtet sich zur Lieferung am 7 Tag nach Bestelleingang. Die Regellieferzeit beträgt 7 Tage, wenn in der Artikelbeschreibung nichts anderes angegeben ist. Der Anbieter versendet die Bestellung aus eigenem Lager, sobald die gesamte Bestellung dort vorrätig ist. Der Kunde wird über Verzögerungen umgehend informiert. Hat der Anbieter ein dauerhaftes Lieferhindernis, insbesondere höhere Gewalt oder Nichtbelieferung durch eigenen Lieferanten, obwohl rechtzeitig ein entsprechendes Deckungsgeschäft getätigt wurde, nicht zu vertreten, so hat der Anbieter das Recht, insoweit von einem Vertrag mit dem Kunden zurückzutreten. Der Kunde wird darüber unverzüglich informiert und empfangene Leistungen, insbesondere Zahlungen, zurückerstattet. Medizinprodukte sind von der Rückgabe ausgeschlossen, ebenfalls Produkte mit Siegel oder Hygienesiegel sind ebenfalls von der Rückgabe abgeschlossen. In Einzelfällen kann das Produktbild vom tatsächlichen Produkt abweichen. Maßgeblich ist die Produktbeschreibung. 

9. Warranty

Consumers are entitled to a statutory right to liability for defects in accordance with the relevant provisions of the German Civil Code (BGB) for the services offered. If there is a deviation from this, the warranty is based on the provisions in the General Terms and Conditions (GTC).

10. Contract drafting

The contract text is saved by the provider. The customer has no way of directly accessing the stored text of the contract. The customer can correct errors in the entry during the ordering process. To do this, he can proceed as follows: The fields can always be edited. It is always possible to cancel by closing the window or with the back button.

11. Disclaimer of Liability

Claims for damages by the customer are excluded, unless otherwise stated for the following reasons. This also applies to the provider's representatives and vicarious agents if the customer makes claims for damages against them. Exceptions are claims for damages by the customer due to injury to life, limb, health or essential contractual obligations, which must necessarily be fulfilled in order to achieve the contractual objective. This also does not apply to claims for damages after grossly negligent or willful breach of duty by the provider or his legal representative or vicarious agent.

12. Prohibition of assignment and pledging

Claims or rights of the customer against the provider may not be assigned or pledged without his consent, unless the customer has demonstrated a legitimate interest in the assignment or pledging.

13. Language, place of jurisdiction and applicable law

The contract will be drawn up in German. The further implementation of the contractual relationship takes place in German. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies exclusively. For consumers, this only applies insofar as this does not restrict any statutory provisions of the country in which the customer has his domicile or habitual residence.

1. Alternative dispute resolution according to Art. 14 Para. 1 ODR-VO and § 36 VSBG:

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which you can find under find. We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration board. via the generator of the Deutsche Anwaltshotline AG

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